After dealing with chronic pain for many years, including back pain, chest pain, knee pain, and migraine headaches, I discovered trigger point therapy. As my youngest son says, "You've been so happy since you discovered trigger point therapy." Much of my pain is gone, and when I do have pain, I know how to minimize it.
I know that there are many others who deal with chronic pain issues. There is some information on how to do trigger point therapy online, but I found that most of it is geared either to professionals who give trigger point therapy to others, or to athletes, who perform great feats of strength just to work their trigger points. I was looking for a site that included how-to advice on how to self-treat trigger points for the average person.
I highly recommend, The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, by Clair Davies. You can get it at major bookstores or online. Here is a link to the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook site:
There are other books on trigger point therapy out there, but his is very well-organized and easy to use. When I give my trigger point tips, I will refer to page numbers in Davies' book so that you can refer to it if you would like. You may very well find the book is all that you need. Others may find the amount of information in the book overwhelming. This blog is to help with that. I will take one topic at a time and give a little information on it. Hopefully, that will help with digesting so much information.
There are other books on trigger point therapy out there, but his is very well-organized and easy to use. When I give my trigger point tips, I will refer to page numbers in Davies' book so that you can refer to it if you would like. You may very well find the book is all that you need. Others may find the amount of information in the book overwhelming. This blog is to help with that. I will take one topic at a time and give a little information on it. Hopefully, that will help with digesting so much information.
I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. Even if we are given challenges, we can enjoy moments along the way. After I work my trigger points, I feel more relaxed, more flexible, and more energetic. I can do a little more, breathe a little easier, and feel less pain. To feel this way is a great gift, especially when you have been dealing with chronic pain for a long time. I am enjoying the journey in spite of the aches and pains that inevitably crop up. I hope that I can help you to enjoy the journey too.